Fostering folk traditions in kindergarten education

Starts: The training is organized on demand for a minimum of 10 participants.

Duration: 60 hours

Training aims:

  • Kindergarten teachers acquire the ethnographic knowledge and practical skills that can help in a complex way so that they are able to sort, organize, keep traditions alive on special days, and preserve everyday people's traditional customs.
  • By recognizing the strength and motivating power of joyous, community-building, affiliation raising activities, get-togethers, the folk tradition fostering work of the people involved in kindergarten educational becomes more conscious.
  • Acquiring ethnographic knowledge and experiencing folk tradition fostering activities to keep traditions alive, authentic fostering of folk traditions will be in the focus of child-centered kindergarten education service.


Thematic units:

1. Basics of ethnography

  • Ethnographic basic concepts.
  • Every day, special days of the year round

2. Promoting folk traditions in kindergarten

  • Tradition activities
  • Complex planning of promoting folk traditions integrated in games

3. Practice of complex promoting of folk traditions

  • Autumn festivities (Teréz-, Mihály, Dömötör-, St.Martin's day customs)
  • Winter festivities (Advent period, spinning habits, Carnival).
  • Spring celebrations (games during Lent, Easter, Pentecost).

4. Effects of tradition preserving way of life

  • Summary, impact assessment

Application deadline: ......

Participation fee: ........ HUF / person

How to apply:

Please download the application form here

Applications are welcome at: Hungarian Open Air Museum, 2000 Szentendre, Sztaravodai út Fax: 06-26 / 502-556 E-mail: