Museum compass 24.

Digital museum contents in the service of public education

Edited by Márton Pacsika

The issue is downloadable here.


The Museum Education and Methodology Centre (MOKK), functioning as a directorate of the Hungarian Open Air Museum in Szentendre has carried out methodological development in eight professional subjects within the priority project EFOP-3.3.3- VEKOP-16-2016-00001, entitled Museum and Library Development for Everyone, of which the process which started in the educational utilization of digital museum contents was given special importance and opportunities for meaningful professional development. This volume seeks to summarize the results of this nearly three-year work in an understandable and transparent manner, with the aim of providing utilizable support for domestic museum and education professionals in their day-to-day work to develop methodologically high quality digital museum content and to use it in their everyday public education activities as easily, frequently and in such an integrated way as possible.

Thus, the methodological volume entitled Digital museum content in the service of public education, published as the 24th edition of the Museum Compass series, edited by MOKK, intends to develop digital museum content for educational purposes and make its use accessible to domestic museum professionals, teachers and students by integrating and processing international and domestic research, good practices and professional experience that has been carried out since then. When defining the methodological subject, we considered it important to delineate it in the very broad digital museum professional subject, and taking into account the domestic conditions, we focused our activities primarily on the adaptation specifically for public education purposes, which can be developed with low educational resources. For this reason, this volume does not replace professional collections that cover the entire digitization of public collections, such as the White Paper – Methodological guidelines for digitizing and publishing public collections of cultural heritage, written by Zsolt Bánki and Éva Kómár (Hungarian National Museum – OMMIK), public collections experts commissioned by EMMI, who also publish a study in this volume.