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About the project
Title of the project: Capacity Building in partnership across borders for future museums
Acronym of the project: FUMU
Title of the Programme: Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme
Priority Axis: 4. Enhancing cross-border cooperation of public authorities and people living in the border area
Specific objective: 4.1 Improving the level of cross border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross border cooperation
Slogan of the Programme: Building partnership
Programme website:
Lead Beneficiary:
- Hungarian Open Air Museum, Hungary (Museum Education and Methodology Center)
- Košický samosprávny kraj, Slovakia
- K 13 – Košické kultúrne centrá
This project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Total budget: 177.968,40 EUR
ERDF contribution: 83.273,99 EUR
Start date of the project: 01.03.2021.
End date of the project: 30.06.2022.
Project duration: 16 months
Projectmanager: Magdolna Nagy (Hungarian Open Air Museum – Museum Education and Methodology Center)
Financial leader: Viktória Rakonczai (Hungarian Open Air Museum )
Professional leader: Annamária Szu (Hungarian Open Air Museum – Museum Education and Methodology Center)
Short project summary
At present, there is no organized training for museum professionals in Slovakia and no professional training specifically for the field of museums. In Hungary, as a directorate within the organization of the Hungarian Open-Air Museum, the Museum Education and Methodology Center (MOKK) operates, which is responsible for professional training, research and methodology development. According to the basic tasks of MOKK, it organizes courses for public collections and public education aimed at bringing the activities of the two fields closer together.
The aim of the cooperation is to make the professional training methodology developed in the training system for museum professionals, that has been operating in Hungary for more than 10 years, adaptable to those working in the Slovakian museum institutional system.
With this project, we are taking the first step towards the cooperation with Slovakian partner institutions and museums in order to boost the professional development of museums in the international field as well, and thus widening the professional network and stimulating further international cooperation of Slovakian and Hungarian museums.
Target groups
The main target groups of Hungarian museums are schools and the intensive contact with them makes up a significant part of the museum's visitors. The museums also serve as one of the most important out-of-school learning venues, so the main target groups of our training are primarily museum leaders and museum educators.
Expected results and benefits
By adapting the training topics developed for them and the methodologies supporting the organization of the training, the project will contribute to the professional development of the Slovak professionals and, consequently, to the expected increase in the number of visitors.
Methodology and project outputs
Renewal of museum exhibitions is a key topic, as with the change in the approach of the museum and with the strengthening of the service-mindedness and the social role of the museums, museum exhibitions are becoming important tourist and school curriculum-related attractions. The topic of exhibition organization is not given sufficient importance in the institutional museum professional training, therefore the accredited professional training of MOKK 'Exhibition Organization from A to Z: from the idea to the implementation in the service of public education'is of paramount importance, which provides the necessary professional skills to create high-quality and attractive exhibitions. The training is unique both in terms of its topic and methodology,as by applying the project method, participants demonstrate through a real exam exhibition what they have learnt during the training.