“Museum and library development for everyone” identification number 3.3.3-VEKOP-16-2016-00001 priority project implemented between 1 February 2017 and 31 January 2020 with the aim of preparing professionals of the museum and library field in cooperation with public education to respond to new social and economic challenges has reached it second milestone. The priority project supporting young age groups’ access to culture and especially the inclusion of those with disadvantaged background, and the sensitisation of teachers and trainee teachers is implemented by two billion HUF provided by European Union non-refundable funds in the framework of Széchenyi 2020 programme with the cooperation of consortium leader Hungarian Open Air Museum and consortium partner Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library.
Eszter Vitályos, Ministry for Human Capacities, Secretary of State responsible for EU development policy welcomed the participants of the press conference followed by her speech about development projects of the cultural field implemented by EU support, she also touched on governmental aspirations relating thereto. Member of Parliament, Sándor Hadházy also spoke, outlining the relationship between culture and tourism he elaborated on the forthcoming HUF 70 billion development of tourism in the region of Dunakanyar (Danube bend). Dr. Miklós Cseri, Director General, Hungarian Open Air Museum reviewed and evaluated the achievements to date of the museum component of priority project “Our museum”. On behalf of the consortium partner Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library, Director General, Dr. Péter Fodor summarised the main results of the library field within “My library” programme achieved up to the present.
The press conference concluded with media questions and interviews; during the rest of the day a conference titled “Discovering Museums – Digital museum content for education” was held organised by Museum Education and Methodology Centre, Hungarian Open Air Museum (MOKK, SZNM).
At the conference the opening speech was delivered by head of Museum Division Hajnal Kassai, Ministry for Human Capacities, on behalf on the host Dr. Miklós Cseri welcomed the
participants, which was followed by exciting presentations and talks of the plenary section. The conference was an outstanding occasion with renowned Hungarian and foreign presenters for sharing and reviewing good practices and methods of educational materials for digitalised museum collections. Due to these teaching materials, teachers and students as active and creative participants can have access to museum collections both in schools and museums, and the museum collections can be used with a higher degree of access and efficiency than ever before.
More information: Andrea Kontrohr, head of communication
Phone: +36 30 3225708, E-mail: kontrohr.andrea@skanzen.h