The aim of the pilot programme “Museum and library development for everyone” identification number 3.3.3-VEKOP-16-2016-00001 is being carried out by the Museum Education and Methodology Centre (MOKK) to increase access to culture (museums) of all public education groups, especially the disadvantaged, to strengthen basic supply of culture regarding the educational field. The project is implemented by HUF 2 billion non-refundable support of the European Social Fund.
Between 1 February 2017 and 31 January 2020 in the regions of North-Hungary and North-Plains, within the CultureBonus pilot programme the 35 museums and 40 public education institutions (schools) collaborate, and 6000 students take part in the museum education sessions offered by the museums. The primary and secondary school students participate free of charge in museum based museum education sessions linked to school subject and the National Core Curriculum. Primary school students of 1-4 grades can participate in programmes called Museum-in-a-suitcase when the museum education sessions are held in the school. Linked to the museum visit, the groups can choose from complex service packages, including cold snacks, can have a bus transfer taking the group to the venue of the programme and back to the school. The financial envelope of HUF 3000 per student can be used for HUF 1000 or 2000 museum education sessions. The priority aim of the pilot project is that the selected museum programmes are linked to the curriculum of the school, and students can learn to regard museums as places where leisure time can be spent. Further aim of CultureBonus is that after assessing the results at the end of the project a recommendation is formed for the introduction of a nationwide system in the framework of which each and every student of public education will be entitled – under certain conditions – to take part in museum education sessions free of charge.
At one of the priority stations of the roadshow promoting CultureBonus taking place at eight different locations, Hajnal Kassai head of division, Ministry for Human Capacities held a press conference at the Miskolci Gallery – Herman Ottó Museum, Miskolc on 21 November 2018. The venue of the closing event of the roadshow will be the Dobó István Castle Museum in Eger.
Further information: Andrea Kontrohr, head of communication
Ph: +36 30 3225708