16 April 2018 Szentendre – The press conference linked to the milestone of the project Museum and library development for everyone EFOP-3.3.3-VEKOP-16-2016-00001 implemented in cooperation with Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library was held with the participation of secretary of state at the Hungarian Open Air Museum, Szentendre.
The project is implemented by HUF 2 million EU source between 1 February 2017 and 31 January 2020 within the Széchenyi 2020 programme in the consortium cooperation with the Hungarian Open Air Museum and the Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library.
Dr. Miklós Cseri director general, Hungarian Open Air Museum, consortium leader welcomed those present, followed by Tamás Schanda secretary of state, responsible for EU development policy, who spoke about cultural development implemented by EU support and about government efforts in connection with this. Dr. Ibolya Bereczki, the next speaker, deputy director, Hungarian Open Air Museum, professional leader of the project outlined the most significant results of the museum component of the first year of the project. On behalf of the consortium partner, Dr Péter Fodor, director general, Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library presented the results achieved to date by the library component of the project.
The press conference was followed by a professional conference titled “Take up the baton”, which presented the implemented pilot projects connected to the museum area. The two-day event was opened by Anikó Krucsainé Herter deputy secretary of state responsible cultural relations and development, who pointed out in her welcome speech that more than a hundred billion forints from different operative programmes are available for cultural development in the financial period from 2014 to 2020. This budget is much higher than in earlier financial periods, albeit the tendering activity of cultural institutions is rather intensive: when there is a call for tender, multiple amounts of the available sources are applied for, which confirmsthat the calls for tender are well designed, and they fulfil essential needs.
19 pilot programmes of the EFOP -3.3.3 project were presented in the conference taking place with the participation of two hundred people. The conference could be followed via live streaming on , and the 19 pilot projects represented good practices to follow for museums and schools open for cooperation.