Pilot projects
The strategic aim of the Museum and library development for everyone project is to strengthen the role of museums in society, to promote their non-formal and informal educational role.
Sub-objectives of the project:
Promoting, strengthening and deepening professional, educational cooperation between museums and public educational institutions. Preparing museums for supporting public education, and parallel with this, sensitising public educational institutions for using the services of museums supporting non-formal and informal learning. Designing and carrying out accredited educational programmes based on methodology basic research studies stimulated by domestic and international best practices.
Implementing model projects by the collaboration of educational and museum institutions and making policy recommendations.
Preparing museums for developing the competencies of disadvantaged groups, for activities focusing on solving social problems and strengthening social dialogue with methodology basic research, recommendations, training courses based on the principle of lifelong learning and with professional advice of museum coordinators.
Preparing museums for developing sustainable social activities, local collaborations with the aid of methodological basic research, model projects and accredited training courses.
By involving teacher training college students in the implementation of model projects, museums can contribute to trainee teachers’ practical experience on how to use museums, educational possibilities of methods used at museums – in order to support public education.
Benefits of model projects
The model projects launched in the framework of the project are aimed to help achieve the above listed strategic aims and sub-objectives. The model projects produce new results in the given theme, they work as catalysts, as the programmes and methods worked out during the model projects can be applied by other museum and public education institutions.
Furthermore, the model projects supporting social inclusion activities of museums also facilitate and develop good practices with up-to-date pedagogical and andragogic methods which are capable of stimulating different competencies, skills and knowledge (e.g. cooperative method, learn by doing, participation etc.) at museums, museum environment, by museum opportunities.
Themes, special fields and institutions involved in model projects
All the themes of the model projects are linked to the research – carried out in the framework of the museum component of Museum and library development for everyone – and to the topics of the methodological development programmes based on the research results.
- Service providing museum – research
1.1 Cooperation between the museum and other service providers – developing entrepreneurial/foreign language/communicational competencies
1.2 Methodology of modern museum interpretation
- Museum professionals – research
2.1 New employee in the museum
- Museum education in Hungary – research
3.1 Museum education methods for supporting vocational training
3.2 Education benefits of digitalised collections
3.3 Is the museum ours?! Methodological guide for managing volunteers and school community service participants at museums
3.4 Raising awareness of museums for developing competencies of socially disadvantaged groups
One of the themes of the model projects can be talent management, assisting in reducing the rate of early school leavers, helping those lagging behind to catch up, to prevent dropping out, realising quality learning and quality museum education. Therefore, museums and schools are involved where the above mentioned issues are difficult to deal with, where results can be achieved by collaborating with the museum.
The aim of the project is that by sensitising trainee teachers by calling their attention that museums can be used along teaching and in the process of learning. Thus teacher training institutions of higher education are involved wherever possible.
Another horizontal point of view was that the most important branches of science be present, like historical museology, archaeology, fine arts, ethnography, open air ethnographic museology, natural sciences, literature etc.
The selection of institutions and venues implementing the project were carried out in accordance with a complex unified system of criteria. A new condition and criterion emerged in the implementation of model projects. The museum working out and implementing the model project (the model project developer) is to mentor another museum that is less aware of the theme and the methods applied, to pass on the experience and help the implementation at the other museum.
The model projects are mainly implemented in public education, by which they support formal, non-formal and informal learning with museum opportunities and methodology. Thus, all the types of public education institutions are involved, altogether 5 370 students.
Model project developer institutions and the titles of model projects in regional breakdown
Model projects cover all geographical regions of Hungary and all types of museums are involved. Because of the local concentration of museums in terms of their number, the Central-Hungarian region is also included in the locations of implementation.
Southern Great Plain region:
- Csongrád County, Makó, József Attila Metropolitan Museum and Library (regional museum)
Onion. From vocational training to creative industries – by museum support
Southern Transdanubia region:
- Baranya County, Hoszzúhetény, Nemes János Cultural Centre – Hosszúhetény Country house museum (exhibition site of public interest)
Corn - Country house museum session for developing pre-schoolers locally
- Baranya County, Pécs, Janus Pannonius Museum (county scope metropolitan museum)
Play it yourself. – development of disadvantaged special needs students with museum methods
- Somogy County, Kaposvár, Rippl-Rónai Museum (county scope metropolitan museum)
Objects, fates, people – developing competences necessary for lifelong learning with museum methods
- Somogy County, Szenna, Szenna Skanzen, Hungarian Open Air Museum (regional museum)
Developing competences necessary for lifelong learning for students of vocational education schools, career guidance
Norther Great Plain:
- Hajdú-Bihar County, Berettyóújfalu, Berettyó Cultural Centre – Bihari Museum (regional museum)
We help, so that you can help, too. – School community service: Providing experience to students taking part in school community service by applying newly worked out methodology, teaching aid materials and quality management
- Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, Szolnok, Damjanics János Museum (county scope metropolitan museum)
IN A COMMON SPACE – Museums at schools of disadvantaged regions
Northern Hungarian region:
- Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Miskolc, Herman Ottó Museum (county scope metropolitan museum)
Community experience and museum interpretation by involving secondary school groups – fine arts and helping those socially lagging behind to catch up
- Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Zemplén, Zemplén Museum (regional museum): DigiMuseum – educational use of digital collections
Central Transdanubia region:
- Fejér County, Székesfehérvár, King St. Stephen Museum – Hetedhét Toy Museum (Moskovszky and Réber Collection) (exhibition site of public interest)
Cultural playgrounds. Development of pre-schoolers with toy museum methods - integrated institution, development of pre-schoolers and primary school children in visual culture
- Komárom-Esztergom County, Esztergom, Hungarian Environment and Water Museum (national specialised museum):
Development of competencies necessary for lifelong learning of vocational school students, career guidance
Central Hungary region:
- Budapest, Petőfi Literary Museum (national museum)
Who am I? I will tell you – museum education session about subtle interpretation and experience of cultural identity
The collection is yours! Theme 1 – educational benefits of digitalised collections
- Pest County, Szentendre, Ferenczy Museum Centre:
Contemporary art – model project promoting interpretation of contemporary art
- Pest County, Szentendre, Hungarian Open Air Museum (national museum):
The collection is yours! Theme 2– educational benefits of digitalised collections
Western Transdanubia region:
- Vas County, Sárvár, Nádasdy Ferenc Museum (regional museum)
Odd. Step by step with an unknown acquaintance – local embeddedness and networking of museum institution in public education
- Vas County, Szombathely, Savaria Museum (county scope metropolitan museum)
Fashion may fade, but style is eternal – from vocational education to creative industries with the museum as catalyst
- Zala County, Keszthely, Balaton Museum (regional museum):
My castle… - Museum mentoring – service providing museum
Schedule of model projects
Preparatory phase: 31 March 2017 – 31 May 2017
Project development phase: 1 June 2017 – 30 July 2017
Implementation: 1 September – 31 January 2018
Dissemination: 1 February 2018 – 30 June 2018
Organising a conference to promote the experience of model projects: April 2018
Publishing the results in a book of Museum Compass series – 2018-2019
Follow-up phase: 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019
Effectiveness study: Every implementer carries out an effectiveness study after finalising the model project. By the study, the achievement of expected predetermined social and educational results are examined.