Training courses in the framework of the project Museum and library developments for everyone
Several free of charge training courses are organised in the framework of the project Museum and library development for everyone, EFOP-3.3.3-VEKOP-16-2016-00001. The overall aim of our training courses is to provide further professional training for museum professionals and teachers, to prepare them for being able to follow the changes taking place in the museum sphere and in public education and to realise a more effective collaboration between schools and museums in order to increase the social importance of Hungarian museums and the weight of equal opportunities, also to support social inclusion and access to cultural goods.
The training courses developed for museum professionals are accredited on the basis of the decree 1/2000(I.4.) NKÖM.
The training courses for teachers are accredited by PAT. Successful completion of the courses earns credits valid in the system of further training of teachers.
Due to the project, the training courses are provided free of charge.
One person can only participate in one training course developed in the framework of the project.
Please note that filling out the application form does not mean automatic admittance to the course. The leadership of the MOKK decides about admittance to the course.
Training courses for teachers:
- How to use museums and museum education methodology basic course for teachers (blended)
- How to use museums and museum education methodology basic course for teachers (e-learning)
Who should attend: teachers with qualifications and experience
Benefits of the course:
Promoting shift of mindset of teachers and leaders of public schools working with different age groups in different school types, developing a knowledge base necessary for collaborating in formal and non-formal learning processes. The participants will be familiar with and learn about museum programmes supplementing formal learning, experiential learning methodology used in museum education that enhances the development of students’ positive attitude to learning and to their interest in school subjects, the development of skills of “using museums”, applying techniques and methodology that supports acquiring knowledge in museums.
Training courses for museum and other cultural professionals
- Front staff training – to enhance visitor-friendly services in museums
Number of training hours: 30
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: front staff (with secondary education or higher) of libraries, archives, public collections and community centres
Benefits of the course:
The course prepares the front office staff of cultural institutions carrying out services to represent the institution, to communicate with people using services adequately, to provide information, for collaboration within the organisation, for applying tools of verbal and non-verbal communication
- Museums for quality vocational education – Supporting vocational education with sessions developing competencies of creative industries and lifelong learning
Number of training hours: 30
Form of training: classroom and museum (22 lessons in classroom, 8 lessons in museum
The training is for: museum education staff dealing with knowledge transfer
Benefits of the course:
The practice-oriented course prepares the attendees for working out learning methods supporting the development of competencies and the compensation of disadvantages in the vocational field, by which they will be able to support the development of disadvantaged students in vocational training, to manage talent and provide them vocational guidance.
- Management course for service provider museums
Number of training hours: 60
Form of training: blended (30 in classroom and 30 e-learning)
The training is for: museum professionals managing front staff
Benefits of the course:
The participants acquire the attitude of visitor-friendly and quality service provider museum and quality management; competencies are developed necessary for managing front staff. Psychological competences needed for delivering task are developed, by which the standard of providing services and interior communication rises and the acceptance of museums by public education institutes, teachers and students may be strengthened.
- Modern knowledge transfer for supporting lifelong learning
Number of training hours: 60
Form of training: blended (30 in classroom and 30 e-learning)
The training is for: museum professionals with higher education qualifications carrying out knowledge transfer tasks
Benefits of the course:
Supports and supplements school practices, development of self-awareness, self-expression, self-study, critical thinking, which reduces disadvantages and the number of early school leavers by applying modern pedagogic methods accepted in public education and by museum-andragogic methods, in close collaboration with schools.
- Opportunities by the museum – Supporting development of disadvantaged school children, talent management, competency development by museums in order to reduce the number of early school leavers
Number of training hours: 60
Form of training: blended (30 in classroom and 30 e-learning)
The training is for: museum educators, knowledge transfer professionals, museum leaders
Benefits of the course:
Participants learn about modern pedagogic methods and their possible use in museums. Learning about and understanding the problems of disadvantaged children, they become capable of working out interdisciplinary programmes that can contribute to developing children with disadvantaged background, and can contribute to reducing the number of early school leavers and the number of dropouts from the school system.
- Digital technologies of the museum supporting education and lifelong learning
Number of training hours: 90
Form of training: blended (45 classroom, 45 e-learning)
The training is for: museum professionals with higher education qualifications
Benefits of the course:
Learning about the tools of using digitalised collections and how to make use of them, the attendees become capable of using digitalised collections in practice outside the school environment and in supporting lifelong learning, and involving museum staff and enhancing their participation. By this they contribute to ensuring equal opportunities for disadvantaged settlements, or groups of people tended to be left out of the consideration of museums.
- Train the trainer: Further methodology training for lecturers and instructors working in the training courses of EFOP 3.3.3.
Number of training hours: 15 (2 days)
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: museum educators, knowledge transfer professionals, museum leaders
Benefits of the course:
Attendees learn about and try in practice different methods of teaching that can specially be used in teaching adults. They will be aware why it is indispensable to use modern methodology in museum andragogy.
- Museum manager training course to support conducive public education
Number of training hours: 120 (60 hours in compulsory module, and 60 hours elective)
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: museum leaders, museum professionals
Mandatory (core) module:
Museum management and public finances (compulsory to attend) (60 training hours)
Elective modules:
PR, Marketing, Communication (30 training hours)
Front line management (30 training hours)
Networking (30 training hours)
Management of provincial and small museums (30 training hours)
Creating strategic plans (30 training hours)
Quality management (30 training hours)
Benefits of the course:
The participants of the course acquire a new kind of attitude, skills and managing style which can contribute to their museums being capable of innovation, creativity and even entrepreneurship. Their museums become capable of effectively collaborating with public education institutions, and enhancing the decrease of the number of school leavers without qualifications, increasing the effectiveness of public education, furthermore, the development of basic competencies necessary for lifelong learning.
- Museum management and public finances
Number of training hours: 60
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: museum leaders, museum professionals
Benefits of the course:
The training course facilitates development of strategic thinking, the ability of planning, the project-oriented attitude, as well as personal and professional competences of the museum manager in a multifaceted way.
Because of the continuous shrinking of the labour market, it is indispensable that museum managers are aware how to find well trained workforce, how to motivate it and how to retain it. The strong emphasis on the topics of human resources serves this aim. In addition to creating management strategies, the training also provides practical assistance regarding dealing with media interviews. Besides developing individual management competencies, the benefits of team work and collaboration are also demonstrated.
The domestic museum system has recently been restructured and as a result of this, some small museums have been merged into large ones and integrated institutions have also been created, for which developing new attitudes and mind-sets are necessary. The lecture about governess of the museum sector explores the possibilities inherent in the new structure.
The participants are expected to take part actively in the practical workshops, on the basis of the pre-read course material, they discuss legal issues of their own museum in the form of a case study. The lecture about change management followed by a workshop – as it is also true about the museum sector that nothing is constant but change – demonstrates that change can be turned into an advantage of the museum with an appropriate approach. The course also gives tips for museum leaders how to survive financial crises, how museums can remain indispensable for the society, and what competencies museum professionals will need in the museum of the future.
The course also touches on other indispensable areas of the museum, such as museum information technology and marketing, but instead of mere technicalities the focus is strictly on strategic questions significant for leaders.
- PR, Marketing, Communication
Number of training hours: 30
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: museum professionals with higher education
Benefits of the course:
By studying the strategy and the tools of non-profit marketing and through communications workshops (e.g. television trial interviews) participants of the training course become capable of creating and applying a communication strategy for their own museum tailor-made for the target groups and communities of the museum, using online and offline communications channels in a more effective way, even involving external partners, for-profit companies, carrying out social marketing and branding.
- Quality management
Number of training hours: 30
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: museum professionals with higher education
Benefits of the course:
Attendees completing the course will have an overall picture of the theoretic base of quality management, from adapting problem exploring and resolving techniques to the museum sector by analysing practical examples and working out a framework for the museum.
- Networking
Number of training hours: 30
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: museum professionals with higher education
Benefits of the course:
By completing this course, in addition to the basics of organisational sociology and psychology participants will have an overall picture of the possibilities of networking in the domestic and international museum sphere and of the professional benefits achievable by networking. By applying networking approach, they will be able to initiate different successful institutional cooperation, to upgrade the image of their own museum, to reposition it, increase achievements, visitors’ awareness of the museum and its competitiveness.
- Management of provincial and small museums
Number of training hours: 30
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: museum professionals with higher education
Benefits of the course:
The participants of the course acquire knowledge easily applicable in everyday practice about effective management of small work-groups, networking at the settlement, building collaboration with tourist offices and civil societies, different museum activities focusing on strengthening social dialogue.
- Creating strategic plans
Number of training hours: 30
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: museum professionals with higher education
Benefits of the course:
By acquiring strategic planning, and learning about international museum strategy trends and domestic best practices, participants will be able to create, communicate and assert the vision, mission and strategies of their museum in a complex way. As a result, their museums will be capable of developing domestic and international partnerships and networks, effective lobbying for fundraising, successful implementation of social responsibility, supporting local communities and settlement planning, collaborating with NGO-s dealing with disadvantaged groups.
- Frontline management
Number of training hours: 30
Form of training: classroom
The training is for: professionals working in the cultural sector with higher education
Benefits of the course:
Participants of the course will be able to manage and motivate frontline staff effectively, in accordance with visitor-friendly approach to create and put the most appropriate public relations strategy into practice. They will be able to create a comprehensive picture of the visitors of the given cultural institution and of their needs, of high level visitor management and effective conflict resolution, of coordination of volunteers supporting effective operation of the institution, of detecting and dealing with problems occurring in organising work.
In the practice oriented training course, participants also take part in practice situations of museum and library environment, as well as training in dealing with stress, and avoiding burn out at the work place. In line with the objectives of Museum and library development for everyone project, the course includes opportunities for gaining knowledge necessary for receiving visitors with special needs (e.g. groups with disadvantaged social background or in need of improvement, or learners of special needs).